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The FIGHTING for America Act 2024: What boutique owners need to know

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The FIGHTING for America Act 2024 targets the misuse of the de minimis rule that has allowed big retailers like Shein and Temu to dominate the market with cheap imports. The law presents an opportunity for boutiques to shine by focusing on quality over quantity, something fast-fashion giants often overlook. By collaborating with other boutique owners, building strong supplier networks, and highlighting the value of buying local, boutiques can thrive in a fairer market.


Running a boutique is tough, especially with big names like Shein and Temu flooding the market with cheap imports. The FIGHTING (Fighting Illicit Goods, Helping Trustworthy Importers, and Netting Gains) for America Act 2024 could be the change boutique owners have been waiting for.

The FIGHTING for America Act 2024 has stirred debate among boutique owners and small businesses nationwide. They feel a mix of apprehension and excitement about how these changes could affect their operations.

What does this mean for your boutique? Let’s find out.

What is the De Minimis rule?

This new law targets the misuse of the de minimis rule, which lets low-value imports under $800 enter the U.S. without paying taxes. The number of these imports to the U.S. quadrupled from 299 million to 1 billion between 2017 and 2023. 

Over the years, this law has allowed small businesses to access affordable goods from overseas suppliers. But it also enabled large, low-cost retailers like Shein and Temu to dominate the market, often at the expense of independent boutiques. 

Key provisions of the FIGHTING for America Act 2024

Closing loopholes for big retailers: The new law aims to stop the misuse of the de minimis rule by imposing taxes on certain products to enter the U.S. market. This means that some products that used to enter the U.S. duty-free will now be subject to tariffs, increasing costs for boutique owners who source their products from overseas.

Enhanced oversight and accountability: The Act also ensures tighter regulations to prevent retailers from bypassing tariffs and ensuring fair competition for U.S. manufacturers and boutiques. It also requires U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to collect detailed information on commercial packages and increase penalties for abuse, promoting a healthier market environment.

The positive side: a fairer market for boutiques

The FIGHTING for America Act 2024 represents a crucial step toward a fairer market. For years, boutique owners have struggled to compete with large retailers that can afford to sell products at rock-bottom prices, thanks to their ability to import cheap goods under the de minimis rule.

We asked The Boutique Hub community how they felt about this new law, and one boutique owner expressed, "YES!!! I have been waiting for them to do something about this! It’s about damn time." 

This shift will also encourage consumers to value quality over quantity, as the days of ultra-cheap, low-quality imports flooding the market will come to an end. Boutique owners can seize this opportunity to highlight their superior product quality and personalized services.

Addressing concerns about rising costs

There’s no sugar-coating it – The FIGHTING for America Act 2024 could lead to increased costs, as tariffs may raise prices across the board. One boutique owner expressed concern, saying, "When tariffs were imposed before, prices increased across the board. Temu and Shein are shipping huge freight packages that are unbundled at one of their U.S. warehouses and then shipped individually from there. I’m very wary of tariffs leading to overall price increases for consumers."

There’s also a concern that these increased costs will pass on to consumers, reducing their disposable income and making it harder for boutiques to compete. Another boutique owner noted, “It’s way more annoying for small boutique owners like us and will have 0 impact on places like Shein and Temu that bundle-ship everything. We worked hard to find suppliers for our smaller orders, and this will make them more expensive.” 

A positive outlook: How boutique owners can thrive amidst change

While these concerns are valid, how can you make the most of this change? Here are a few tips:

1. Collaborate with fellow boutique owners 

Form local or online alliances. Team up with other boutique owners in your locality or from online communities to share resources, insights, and strategies. You can collaborate with other boutiques to place larger joint orders and split the costs. 

2. Build a trusted supplier network

Explore regional suppliers that have favorable trade agreements or lower tariffs. If you’re going with overseas suppliers, ask them to make shipments into fewer but larger packages. This might reduce the per-unit shipping cost and help absorb some of the tariff impacts. Vet and recommend suppliers to other boutique owners to ensure that everyone in your community benefits from better sourcing options. 

Remember, community over competition.

You can also approach suppliers as a group to negotiate better deals or bulk discounts. Suppliers may be more willing to offer favorable terms when dealing with multiple businesses at once.

3. Highlight the value of buying local

Educate your customers about the benefits of supporting local boutiques over fast-fashion giants. Use social media, in-store placards, and email newsletters to communicate the quality, uniqueness, and ethics of shopping local.

4. Explore unique product lines

Collaborate on sourcing unique or locally-made products that can’t be easily found in large retailers. Offer exclusive products that your customers value – products they can’t find at a low-cost retailer. 

One boutique owner from our community pointed out, ‘’If you’re striving to be an "affordable" boutique, you're gonna lose in this game. Originality is key. This is why I’ve shifted to trying to work with smaller designers – ones you won't find on FashionGo – to help offer my customers something unique!’’

5. Run joint marketing campaigns and cross-promotions

Pool resources with other boutique owners to run joint marketing campaigns. This could include shared ad space, co-branded promotions, or collaborative content that benefits all participating boutiques. You could offer discounts to customers who shop at another boutique, encouraging them to explore more local businesses.

Navigating the road ahead

While there is a long way to go for the law to pass, the FIGHTING for America Act 2024 feels like a tailwind for boutique owners. It’s set to update outdated regulations from over 85 years ago, creating a fairer playing field for today’s market. 

Embrace authenticity, strengthen supplier relationships, and collaborate with other boutique owners with a sense of community. With the right strategies and a positive outlook, you can continue to offer your customers the unique, high-quality products they love.

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