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E-commerce marketing
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 min read
June 25, 2018

6 Free Keyword Research Tools to Guide Your New E-commerce Website Content Strategy


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When you are setting-up the new website to your e-commerce company, first you will need to do a keyword research that you will then work into your website content strategy. This should include negative keywords, long-tail keywords (those keyword phrases that are very specific to what you sell, indicating a customer knows exactly what they will buy because of the use of the highly specific search phrase), and keyword volume. And to do all this you want keyword research tools to use for your new e-commerce website. (And wouldn’t it just make so much more sense to you if it were a free tool!)

So how do you do this and produce relevant and qualitative content for your site visitors?

Here are some free keyword research tools that produce good results and save you from paying for a keyword research tool.

Google AdWords Keyword Planner

This one wasn’t so much of a surprise, was it! It’s an excellent choice to begin with and a popular tool because of its capability in growing with your content and website. Google, being the most popular search engine and the primary one you’ll target, the information you get here is good when you’re optimising your website. The use of this tool is very straightforward. You enter your industry, product type etc. and it shows you relevant keywords, as well as the average monthly searches for a phrase, how high or low your competition stands with this phrase, and suggested bids (for AdWords). And you can rest assured that the data is all correct.

AdWord & SEO Keyword Permutation Generator

You may come up with a few familiar and common keywords when you begin but hit a wall after that. This tool helps you discover new keywords that are also aligned with your site, strategy and targets. And that’s great for when you start producing more content. You enter a few keywords into the three keyword columns, and this tool generates all the different permutations of keywords you can get by combining the phrases from the three columns. Of course, you need to sieve the list for keyword combinations that didn’t quite sound logical for your site. But you get a good number of suggestions if you hit up against a keyword creativity wall!

Google Correlate

As with the first tool, Google being the direct source of this tool, it is accurate and reliable. It can create a large list of keywords that get searched for together. This is a powerful tool especially when creating long-tails and for creating content on related topics. For instance, if you develop mobile apps, mobile app development may be your primary keyword, but you can create content on a correlated topic, like improving e-commerce sales, or content marketing strategy for mobiles. So if you find your content topics furrowing along in one direction, this is a superb tool to use.

IMforSMB’s Bulk Keyword Generator

While the other keyword tools are good for any kind of site, this one is suited only to particular sites, like sites related to local businesses. What this tool does is that it finds your local keywords. You select your business type, the service you provide, and your location. And it generates a list of applicable keywords. To illustrate a basic example, let’s say you are a fashion house based in Florence, and have entered fashion, leather skirts and Florence; then the keywords it would generate would be something like Florence leather skirts, Florentine leather skirts, leather skirts in Florence, or leather clothing in Florence.

Keyword In

This simple-to-use tool uses a long-tail keyword and generates a list of other possible keywords. You can also indicate which words/phrases are optional keywords (keywords that don’t have to appear all the time) and broad modifiers. For instance, if you enter buy, Chinese, organic, oolong tea, it would mash up those 4 individual words, and generate a permutation of potential results, like buy organic oolong tea, buy organic Chinese oolong tea etc. You can enter a couple of keywords into each column and the tool will produce combinations by mixing keywords from all columns. While the results are simple they are exhaustive and a good and clean way to start on a new website.

Wordtracker Scout Chrome Keyword Research Extension

Last and certainly very important, you must remember that your competition can provide you with the best keywords! They are already in the business and have done their keyword research and fine-tuning. So learn from the enemy. This tool is a Chrome extension. Once it’s installed, you can hover above content on a webpage and press the ‘W’ button for the tool to generate important primary and secondary keywords with high level performance metrics. You can analyse these keywords to understand how your competition is thinking and projecting their content.

There are plenty of tools out there, but these 6 keyword generating tools are simple, easy to use, and free of charge! And they can produce some in-depth keyword lists that prove to be very useful to new websites.

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